What you must know to rent a Condo in Estevan

The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Estevan Condo Rentals

Estevan Rental Properties Condo Rentals, Estevan, Homeowner Tips, Long-Term Rentals, Short-Term Rentals Leave a Comment

No matter where you rent, be it a large city like Vancouver or Toronto, or a less busy area like Estevan, Saskatchewan, it is important to avoid making costly mistakes when you are deciding where to live. Many people often want to find the first and usually the least expensive place that appears to meet their needs. It is true, that finding a place to rent can be a frustrating and stressful process, but it is nothing compared to the level of stress and frustration you may experience if you end up hating the place you choose to rent. To help you avoid making any costly and frustrating mistakes when choosing a place to rent in Estevan, we have put together this short cheat sheet of things to be aware of when renting an apartment or condo.

Read the Lease Thoroughly

You may be anxious to sign you lease right away when you find a place that seems to suit your needs as a renter. In some cases, a landlord or a building manager might put some pressure on you to sign a lease as well, stating that they have other people interested in the place. Do not let yourself get pressured into signing anything until you have had time to review what you are signing. Even if the lease isn’t up to the standards of the current housing laws, you may still have to spend a lot of time and money trying to get out of it in the future. Furthermore, any landlord or manager that puts pressure on you to sign right away is probably not someone you’ll want to owe rent to at any time, let alone if you are locked into a lease for a year.

Neglecting to Buy Renters Insurance

Many people don’t think renter’s insurance is very important or not worth the added expense, but a minor expense now can save you from major ones in the future. Without insurance, you can be held liable for any number of problems in your apartment, even if someone gets hurt, or your property gets stolen or damaged. For a little under $200.00 a year, you can avoid any situation where you can be held liable, and will not have to worry about the expense of replacing stolen or damaged items.

Understand Your Rights as a Tenant

Tenants rights vary from province to province. This means that some rights you may have had while living in Toronto might not apply in another part of the country. It is important to at least be aware of your basic rights as a tenant, and to also know who to go to in case an issue arises with your landlord. Such things as knowing when a landlord can evict you, or enter your apartment are always important to be aware of so you don’t get taken advantage of.

Document Existing Damage

While most landlords and building managers are honest people who want to provide you with a clean and safe place to live in exchange for fair rent, it is always better to be safe now rather than sorry later. This means that when you do choose a place to live, it is important to make not of any existing damage that you find in the apartment before you start living there. That way there won’t even be the chance of having your security deposit withheld form you in the future, which is often the case if you have no way of proving you didn’t cause damage.

Not Checking the Landlord, Building or Neighbourhood

A big mistake many people make is when they rush into a place without thoroughly researching the area, the landlord and the building itself. Nowadays it is easy to find reviews of neighbourhoods and buildings online, and many landlords that have bad reputations will also be found online, especially if they own properties in major urban areas.

By following these simple tips, you can go a long way towards ensuring you have a great place to live in a hassle free environment. For more helpful tips on renting in Estevan, feel free to check out our website, or contact us if you are interested in renting with us.

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